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The student news site of Farmington High School

The Voice

The student news site of Farmington High School

The Voice

The student news site of Farmington High School

The Voice

All content by Stefan Izydorczak
Fire and glaze-- Art teacher Andrew Minor goes over the parameters of the current ceramics project for the Ceramics class. Minor has been teaching at the high school for the past eight years and is the first art teacher to ever be nominated as the graduation speaker.

Minor named graduation speaker

Stefan Izydorczak, Arts and Entertainment Editor
June 17, 2016
Confronting challenges-- Open Choice Student Coordinator Lauren Allen-Jones sup-
ports a student during his lunch period. Allen-Jones has been the district Open Choice Student Coordinator but will move on due to budget cuts for next year.

Fishbowl serves new purpose

Stefan Izydorczak, Arts and Entertainment Editor
June 10, 2016
Jean Hunt

Farmington coach leaves behind legacy

Stefan Izydorczak, Arts & Entertainment Editor
May 18, 2016

[Video] Junior archer represents US in Turkey

Stefan Izydorczak, Arts & Entertainment Editor
April 8, 2016
Tuning up-- Seniors Angelica Padua and Dexter Willett play guitars at GSA’s annual Acoustic Night. The duo played a song entitled “Bulletproof Love” by Pierce the Veil.

GSA hosts annual Acoustic Night

Stefan Izydorczak, Arts & Entertainment Editor
December 18, 2015
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