River Hawk mascot comes to life, students step up to fill the role
Wings up — The River Hawk mascot signals a touchdown for the football team. The suit is worn by students who volunteer to attend events and encourage their peers to have school spirit.
December 20, 2021
Walking into the school at the end of the fall, the new River Hawk mascot joins the community as a live character. Students have volunteered to act as the mascot during games, free periods, and other events to support their peers and represent the mascot to encourage school spirit.
Despite many efforts to guess who is wearing the costume, the face behind the River Hawk has not been revealed. Students have their suspicions as to which classmate is walking around in the heavy suit but the student, or students, keep it a well hidden secret.
“To have that symbol literally walking around the school, cheering you up, and rooting you on is something that is so small but so, so game-changing. The idea that no one knows who it is in the suit – it’s more than just a game for students to guess. It’s so much more. It lets us think that any one of us could be the one in the mask, putting smiles on kids’ faces and lifting up our peers. And that is incredible,” cross country coach Patrick Skerker said.
This is one of the many continuous efforts to rebrand the mascot image of the school. Last year the school voted to abolish the old mascot and adopted the River Hawk mascot which teams and groups have embraced in the past months. The physical River Hawk is another reminder of the new, improved mascot and what it represents to the community.
When students see the mascot during their lunch or at a football game, they quickly grab their phones to take a picture of the sight. The laughs and morale raised from seeing the mascot contribute to the performance of athletes and leaders on the field, in the classroom, and in all aspects of the school.
“The River Hawk mascot has not only been fun but has allowed the students to enjoy the fun of the mascot together and connect as one community. At these past games, such as the boys soccer states game and the football Thanksgiving game, the River Hawk was there supporting and bringing up the intensity in the flock… Go River Hawks!,” junior Alexa Xhindole said.
Although the mascot’s identity will remain in the shadows, the River Hawk pride will shine through the school and town. Not only will the mascot continue to attend athletic games and matches, it will also attend other events to show it’s support for the students and teachers throughout the community.