The tone is breezy and the mood is vulnerable. Dominic Fikes sophomore album, Sunburn is a captivating soundtrack that blends indie and pop rock sounds.
Rolling Stones named Sunburn 50th top album of the year due to his genre-blending abilities and range in vocal skills. Rolling Stone describes his album as being his ¨greatest artistic proclamation¨ due to his raw internal monologue.
By using percussion and guitar along with vulnerable lyrics, Fike creates songs full of passion and profound storytelling. The album brings you along Fikes’ reflection on his past endeavors that made him who he is today, including family issues, heartbreak and regret.
This album is an easy listen for anyone. From its raw and relatable lyrics to its exploration of multiple genres, there’s something for everyone to enjoy.
This album is perfect for when you’re on the bus ride home and can just listen and enjoy the smooth emotional rhythms.