Hurwitz takes on role of Assistant Superintendent, Crist steps up as Principal

Sydney Bigelow

Side by side — Assistant Superintendent Scott Hurwitz and Principal Russel Crist get ready to watch the Flipping Out for Friends tournament on August 31. Hurwitz and Crist took on new administrative roles this year.

Sydney Bigelow, Editor-in-Chief

A week before school returned, the high school announced a change in administration. After serving as the Principal for the past three years, Scott Hurwitz will be taking over the role of Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations. In his place, former Assistant Principal Russel Crist will serve as Interim Principal of the high school. 

“We are deeply grateful and enthusiastic for the opportunity to take on these new leadership roles on behalf of our students, families, faculty and staff. For the past few years, we have enjoyed both the opportunities and challenges of our work at FHS, always putting students at the center and working closely with all of you,” Crist and Hurwitz wrote in an email to students and families. 

Before moving up to the high school, Hurwitz served as the Principal at Irving A. Robbins middle school. Over the past three years, he has supported students, staff, and families through accomplishments and challenges, including the implementation of hybrid learning during the pandemic. 

“It has been the great joy of my professional career to lead at Farmington High School with the amazing faculty, staff and students.  I have so many fond memories of special events, great teaching and learning, but the people and relationships are what always come to mind first.  In particular, the Class of 2023 will always hold a special place in my heart, as we have spent many years together here in Farmington dating back to our time at IAR,” Hurwitz said. 

Crist has spent 20 years at the high school as an English teacher, coach, Student Activities Director, and an Assistant Principal. He has supported student life at the high school in many ways, such as participating in club fundraisers and events, working with student council, and welcoming students with a smile at the entrance everyday. 

“The thing that I enjoy most about my time at FHS has been and always will be the people that I get to work with every day. Our school community is filled with amazing people- I feel so fortunate to have grown up in Farmington and graduate from FHS and then be a part of the faculty, Student Activities Director, and now administrator. I have been surrounded and impacted by the best educators and students in the world every step of the way,” Crist said. 

Felicia Poskus is currently serving as Interim Assistant Principal in place of Crist. Poskus previously worked at the Burns Latino Studies Academy as an Instructional Coach and Assistant Principal. 

“Through my work with all of you over the course of this year, it is my mission to inspire, motivate and grow our school by learning with and from all of you everyday. I believe in problem-solving together as a community, in the best interest of students, in order to forge pathways and reduce barriers to continue building on past success,” Poskus wrote to the community. 

The community is looking forward to watching the administration continue to lead the high school and district. 

“As I look to the year ahead, I am excited to continue to support students, families and educators in Farmington.  As assistant superintendent of finance and operations, I will have the chance to be active across all schools in FPS.  In addition, I have the opportunity to stay closely connected to the FHS building project that will enhance our community for years to come!  Finally, I’m looking forward to front row seats applauding the outstanding graduates in the Classes of 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026 and beyond,” Hurwitz said.