‘Rock, Paper, Scissors, Change’ tournament brings positive change to community

MJ Martinez

Final throw- Senior Anthony Seholm throws rock to defeat sophomore Sal Farrell in the championship matchup of the “Rock, Paper, Scissors, Change” tournament. This was the first time the school has held this challenge, and numerous staff members and students were impressed with the outcome.

Hanny Wolkoff, Editor-in-Chief

In an effort to bring the school closer together at the start of the new year, the executive council organized a school-wide “Rock, Paper, Scissors, Change” challenge. The activity emphasized the school’s mission to give back to the community. The student body and faculty raised $2394.75 to be donated to a local charity, chosen by senior winner Anthony Seholm. 

“The goal of ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors, Change’ was to have an activity that was fun for the student body and could also positively impact the Farmington community. The ‘Change”l’ part of the activity was to help the students see that together they can create a ‘Positive Change’ by raising money as a school to donate to a local charity,” Student Activities Director Chris Loomis said. 

During Connect, Connect coaches encouraged students to bring in spare change to contribute to charity. For any student who forgot to bring in change, administrators and teachers handed out coins so that the entire school could participate. 

Each Connect class played “Rock, Paper, Scissors,” facing off against each other and handing over change as they moved through the tournament. Ultimately, each grade had a winner to face off in the finals: Seholm, junior Akhila Varanasi, sophomore Sal Ferral, and freshman Seraphim Walker. In the final round, Seholm beat Varanasi to take all the change. 

“The council and I were really proud of this event because it really unified the school. Each grade had a representative in the finals so each grade was really invested in the competition,” Executive President Sophie Giuffria said. 

The Executive Council has many plans for the rest of the year to promote school unity and spirit. Loomis has been working very closely with the council to create plans for the rest of the year.

In the spring we are hoping to have a day called ‘Get Up and Get Out’ where we use every inch of the campus outside to have events like wiffle ball, ultimate frisbee, bike riding, skateboarding, tennis, flag football, etc. This event will take a lot of work to pull off between [the council] and our teachers. I think it will be an awesome day for everyone involved,” Loomis said.