French week spreads awareness, culture
Pass the Nutella– Seniors Noor Taweh and Hunter Caouette make crepes for students in teachers in the morning before classes start. Crepes were sold all week as part of National French Week to spread awareness for the culture.
November 16, 2016
Students in the French National Honor Society (FNHS) partook in a National French Week from November 14 to November 18. The official National French Week took place from November 4 to November 10; however, the high school decided to have it a week later.
“Essentially, National French Week is a celebration of French language and culture and the reason we do a lot during the week is to promote its timelessness especially during a time where French is less used,” senior FNHS President Noor Taweh said.
During the week, posters were hung around the school with information about French culture, including information about songs, traditions and the language itself.
“It was really enjoyable to spread awareness about French culture, especially to a group of people who are not generally exposed to it,” senior FNHS member Bethany Pilon said.
In the mornings during this week, crepes were being sold as a fundraiser that is going towards another project the FNHS is working on.
“I think having crepes being sold in the morning were a good idea because crepes reflect French culture and they bring a French appeal to the school,” junior Alexander Curtis said.
According to Taweh, the crepe fundraiser and anything going to the society as a whole will all go towards supporting a girl from Haiti, because Haiti is a French speaking country. In addition, this project will also include a medical supplies drive to really spread awareness about the culture.
“My favorite part [of this week] is definitely the crepe sale. There has been more sales than we thought and everyone seems to be enjoying them,” Taweh said.