Mormon temple open for tours
Open for tours– The Hartford Connecticut Temple is open for tours after years of construction. The church will be officially dedicated on November 20 to the Mormon faith.
October 1, 2016
After plans to build the Hartford Connecticut temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints began in October of 2010, the temple located in Farmington was completed in September and began tours on September 30. The temple will be formally dedicated on Sunday, November 20.
The 32,000 square foot temple will provide services to almost 27,000 church members in Connecticut, western Rhode Island, western Massachusetts and eastern New York. The interior consists of rooms such as the baptistry, celestial room and sealing room.
Members of the Mormon faith hosted tours and welcomed the community to the church, informed visitors about Mormonism and the church itself.
“We hope all take away a bit of knowledge about what members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe and why temples are so important to Mormons. We hope they take away a feeling of love, for we sincerely believe that all human beings are children of God, making us all brothers and sisters,” Assistant Director of Public Affairs for the temple Merlyn Greenwood said.
The tours consisted of a 10 minute informational video for context about the faith and the church. Community members and others from around the country were welcomed to tour the church before being formally dedicated to those devoted to Mormonism. Upon dedication, non-Mormons will no longer be able to enter.
Utah resident Sandy Suker traveled to the Farmington to see the church.
“I am a member of the Mormon faith and decided to travel to Farmington because I had heard about the temple and have enjoyed open-houses in the past,” Suker said.
In addition to the interest to visit from people of the Mormon faith, community members came to the church during the open house period.
“Having a friend who is Mormon, I was so excited to have the privilege of visiting this very sacred place,” Farmington resident Schalleen Connelly said.
2016 Alumni and freshman at Clemson University, Ian Quisenberry, is looking forward to coming home and seeing the church’s completion.
“I’m excited to see its aesthetic impact on Route 4. Hopefully it will bring more life to Farmington,” Quisenberry said.