Traditions kept alive through Spirit Week, Halloween
Courtesy of the Social Studies department
Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica– (left to right) BACK: Social studies teachers Emily Blanchard (Kevin), Sylvia Daleb (Jan), Dave Greenberg (Andy), Ted Bremer (Toby), Emma Tuthill (Angela), Lindsay Tavolacci (Holly), Meg Monaghan (Karen), Jeff Gawle (Todd Packer), FRONT: Patrick Mulcahy (Dwight), Joel Nick (Michael Scott), Amanda Roller (Pam), James Dinnan (Jim) come together as member of The Office. Teachers participate alongside stu- dents for the holiday.
November 7, 2020
Halloween of the year 2020 is deemed to look different compared to a normal year in which costumes are worn, candy is collected, and parties are thrown.
In a more normal year, families would be out buying costumes for their young children and homeowners would be stocking up on candy, preparing for the herds of trick-or-treaters to come. Due to the health regulations in place, things will change, but this does not mean that no festivities can take place.
This year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has provided families and adults nationwide with alternative ways to indulge in the Halloween experience. Published in September of 2020, there are many activities listed and categorized by risk level and exposure that can be found online.
For a “lower risk activity” people can carve pumpkins with others in their household, decorate their living space, or have a virtual costume contest. The “moderate risk activities” include participating in a one way trick-or-treating route in which all the treats are pre-packaged or individually wrapped, having an outdoor and socially-distanced Halloween movie night, or visiting a pumpkin patch with the members of your household.
Some of the “higher risk activities” include going to indoor haunted houses, going door-to-door trick or treating with non-individually wrapped treats, or going on a hayride or tractor ride with people outside of the household.
At the high school specifically, Halloween remains a festive time of the year. Class of 2023 student council president sophomore Avery Sama has been actively involved with the festivity planning for Halloween time this year.
“This year Halloween is different because of the COVID restrictions; however, we want to keep as many aspects of it as possible…all the students are highly encouraged to dress up in their costumes this year,” Sama said.
Although Halloween is on a Saturday this year, students came to school in costume attire on October 30 as well as on November 2. This way, both cohorts of students were able to participate in the festivities.
“As a class advisor and a Halloween enthusiast, I am extremely happy that FHS was able to keep up the tradition of celebrating the holiday and decorating hallways. Much of this is owed to Mr. Loomis and the amazing student council groups,” social studies teacher Patrick Mulcahy said.