Art Department’s past, present join forces for art show

Preparing for presentation– Fine Arts teacher Earl Procko handles one of his pieces for the upcoming art show from the school district’s Art Department faculty and alumni. An opening reception for the show will be held on December 20 and the exhibit will run through January 18 at Tunxis Community College in Farmington.
December 18, 2016
Faculty and alumni from the school district will be opening a joint art show on December 20 to display the work and skills of those with ties to the art program. The exhibit will run through January 18 at the Barnes-Franklin Gallery at Tunxis Community College and will display pieces ranging from digital artwork to ceramics.
The show is an opportunity for both teachers and alumni to display their work publicly. Attendants will be able to see pieces from artists they may know personally while also viewing art demonstrating the foundational learning received by the alumni in school.
“I think the idea is that we’re trying to create a sense of artists working in a community who share their work with each other, show their work to each other. We put our work out in public for people to see, to respond to, to ask about, and I think for artists, making our work public is very important for visibility of what we do,” art teacher Marguerite French said.
Faculty members who have work being exhibited in the show can find unique individual connections with the event. Former art teacher Jeff Brewster recognizes significance through the perspective of an artist.
“Continuing our expression and artistic efforts are and have been significant to our lives. I have shown in galleries, juried group and individual shows for over 40 years. This group is a core component of that exhibition process,” Brewster said.
Alumni have an opportunity to display their own work alongside the work of their educators. The event allows alumni to see how their work compares with their teachers and how their art has changed with their unique life experiences.
“We felt, in the Art Department, that it was important to maintain a contact with students who worked hard in the department, were graduated and went on to careers in the field or wherever. So, we use [the art show] as a vehicle to maintain that link,” former Art Department leader Augustine Cofrancesco said.
High school students that have not yet graduated are able to look upon this event from the perspective of possibility. Those that have participated in art classes may be able to submit their own work under the alumni label and participate in the exhibit when they graduate.
“The Faculty Alumni Art Show makes me feel reassured and glad to know that the closely knit art community of the third floor will keep in touch and be able to share and express our work even after graduating from FHS,” junior Patrick Arnold said.
The opening reception for the art show will be held on December 20. Food and music will be provided.
“Students might want to come and see this exhibit so they can see the growth of student work over time. It is always inspirational for our current students to see the possibilities of continuing an art education in college,” Art Department Leader Julie Sawyer said.