Duffy looks to lead team to playoffs
Batter up– Senior Derek Duffy fires to first base in game against New Britain.
April 8, 2016
The boys’ baseball team is coming off of a 12-8 season, and is looking to improve upon that record with the help of senior Derek Duffy.
Duffy has been playing baseball since the age of three and will continue to play next year at Franklin Pierce University.
Duffy is a shortstop and pitcher for the team and has been for the past two years. He is coming off of a season in which he batted 0.385 percent (ratio of a batter’s safe hits per official times at bat). He pitched an earned run average (ERA, the mean of earned runs given up by a pitcher per nine innings pitched) of 0.54 and also stole 10 bases.
“My work ethic separates me from others. I am always the first one on the field at practice and the last one off of the field,” Duffy said.
Duffy has spent most of his afternoons in the weight room after school looking to get bigger, faster and stronger as well as hitting every day to keep his swing consistent.
“If we all work hard individually and at practice as a team, we will be at our best come season time as we look to win more games than last year,” Duffy said.
Duffy looks to be an integral part of the team’s improvement.
“He always seems to help the team by coming in clutch when we truly need it. His leadership and passion for the game helps him win,” teammate senior Jay Palais said.
The team is very young this year and Duffy will look to be the role model for the team not only by leading in the way he plays, but with his off the field actions and his relationships with his teammates.
“He has been very helpful so far this season, especially to us younger players, pushing us to work hard so that in a game situation we will be ready to complete whatever is asked of us, putting others before himself most of the time,” freshman Benny Hughes said.
The team’s season starts at home versus Bulkeley/Weaver on April 22, where Duffy looks to start the season strong.