Superintendent awards senior


Annika Sager

  Superintendent Kathleen Greider awarded senior Jocelyn Bohlman with the 2017 Superintendent’s Award in mid October and was officially presented with it at a luncheon on December 1. This award is given to an eighth grader and senior every year and is chosen based on students who take full advantage of what the Farmington school systems have to offer and display personal and academic excellence.

  The superintendent and principals from both the high school and middle school consult and discuss potential students who demonstrate these qualities. This year they all agreed on Bohlman.

  “Jocelyn is a dynamic leader at Farmington High School with a deep commitment to serving others.  As a Peer Leader, member of the student council, captain of our cheerleading team and president of the Class of 2018, she has served as a strong contributor to the school community.  Jocelyn exemplifies all aspects of our Vision of the Graduate and I am thrilled that she is the recipient of the Superintendent’s Award for the Class of 2018,” Greider said.

  Bohlman was chosen because she possessed strong leadership skills, a commitment to community service and consistently exhibited personal and academic excellence. High school principal Bill Silva agreed with Greider’s thoughts on Bohlman.

  “I’d also like to highlight her role in promoting Amy’s Angels and working to support that organization through fundraising.  Jocelyn exemplifies the characteristics of leadership, service, and school and community involvement that this award is intended to recognize, celebrate, and promote,” Silva said.

  The two recipients and their families joined the administration at the Farmington Country Club on December 1 and received the award and took photos. This honor will also be celebrated at a future Board of Education meeting. Bohlman was grateful to be recognized in such a manner.

  “I hope to inspire more people to make a change, especially by joining a nonprofit organization. Just one person can really make a difference if they set their mind to it. As Paul Shane Spear said, ‘As one person, I cannot change the world. But I can change the world of one person.’ If we all take that first step in helping someone else, we can begin changing a lot of lives,” Bohlman said.

  The administration hopes that all students will work to be the type of student that encompasses all of these qualities. By recognizing these students for their efforts, they believe that that they will continue contributing to the community and inspiring other students to follow.

  “I hope that recipients of this award feel that their efforts and contributions are truly honored and celebrated by receiving this award.  My wish is that each recipient continues to serve as a leader and contributor throughout his/her life to make a positive difference in the lives of others and improve our world,” Greider said.